Texel Society Ballot 2023

13th July 2023

Texel Sheep Society Ballot. Over the years the numbers of vendors in the two shearling rings had become very unbalanced and it was agreed that these two rings would be balloted.

Entries for the Society sale rings at this year’s Main NSA Ram Sale will be subject to a two-round ballot to help re-balance the numbers in the shearling ram rings.

This will see NSA conduct a ballot of two parts, with the first part of the ballot being run to determine which ring a consignment is sold in, with the second ballot determining each consignment’s position within that ring.

The first ballot would determine the ring for each consignment using the following size  splits;

 Consignments of 20 – 30 will be divided equally between each ring.

 Consignments of 10-19 will be divided equally between each ring.

 Consignments of 5-9 will be divided equally between each ring.

 Consignments of four or less will be divided equally between each ring.

A second ballot will then be undertaken to determine the selling order in each ring.

The ballot will be conducted by the NSA Ram Sale organising committee and will be

broadcast live on Facebook to provide transparency.

There will be no changes to the current ballot system used for the ram lamb and female rings.

This was approved by the committee and the Texel Sheep Society have agreed to circulate this to their members.

In an effort to control costs paper entry forms are not being sent out to Texel Society sale vendors as all entries are submitted through the Texel Society. Rest assured if you sell in any of the other rings paper entry forms will be sent out at the beginning of week commencing 18th July.  

Thank you for continued support.